Salad con Camarones de Anochecher

As the sun set last night, we came home with fresh camorones from the market and concoctted this simple but wonderful dish. The trick is enough marinade time without totally cooking the shrimp. We are going to practice this little dance and see if we can master it. Shouldn’t be too painful….

.5 kilos camarones, about 28 medium count
1/2 cup loosely packed cilantro
4 garlic cloves smashed
1 chile de agua, roughly chopped
juice of 3 small limones
1 teaspoon of honey
1/2 tablespoon of cumin

For The Salad

1 head of escarola (endive or some such lettuce)
2 cups cooked ejotes or judia verde ( green beans ) in 2” pieces
4 plum tomatoes, chopped into 1” pieces
1 avocado sliced into 1” pieces
1/4 cup oiless dijon vinegrette